Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Music Clock!

Oh My Goodness!! This clock about kicked my patootie!! It has been gessoed and painted and sanded ... I had this image in my head of what I wanted the background to look like and I just couldn't make it come out that way no matter what I did!! This was my first venture into working on wood - not paper or canvas - I guess there was a wee bit of a learning curve, to put it mildly.

In the end, some Versamark ink and UTEE gave me enough of a textured background I just went with it. Distressing a little more with some paint did the rest and I called it a day. Mod Podge and let her dry.

Then I added some beautiful teal flowers I found and purchased - at full price mind you - I just don't normally do that. But one look at those flowers and I knew they belonged on my clock. They HAD to come home with me. Adding them was the perfect finishing touch it needed.

Assembling was even a challenge. I had picked up some pretty black hands instead of using the shorter gold ones that came with the kit. They didn't work. I ended up taking them off and putting the gold ones back on. They worked beautifully ... but I just didn't really like them. A few days later I found a set of black hands at Michael's (which is where I bought the clock parts from) hoping that they would work. THEY DID!! I LOVE the way it looks now!!

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